Saturday, August 30, 2014

Unseen videos!

These are videos that were never posted on YouTube, mainly because they we were not good enough, or just stupid, random, etc. They are posted on our Facebook page. From newest to oldest (click on the image to go to the video, which will open in a new tab):

 Cloned Tunes (2008( (video on FB)

 TinWhistler's FAIL (2007) (video on FB)

 Galician bagpipes: failed attempt (2008) (video on FB)

 JJ playing the tin whistle in 2007 (video on FB)

 Crazy version of the Reel with the Birl. (video on FB)

 Slowly: The Humours of Tullycrine / The Man of the House (video on FB)

 Practicing some jigs... (video on FB)

 Boehm flute practice (video on FB)

 Fail - Should we upload this? (video on FB)

 I like this reel (video on FB)

 Traditional Majorcan tune (video on FB)

 Hip Agus Hop / The Roaring Barmaid (video on FB)

 Malbay Shuffle / Sporting Paddy (video on FB)

 Hector the Hero and Irish reels (video on FB)

 Eileen Curran on a boehm flute (video on FB)

 Trying the Galician pipes (Video on FB)

 Slowly - New low whistle video tunes (video on FB)

 Trying to play the Uilleann pipes (video on FB)

 No idea how to play piano (video on FB)

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